Have you seen Homemade Gourmet's blog? Make sure to check it out at www.homemadegourmet.com/marylouBelow is Tami's...Homemade Gourmet's founder...lastest blog post about getting her freezer full. I thought I would share it you to show you that even the best of us Moms can get busy and distracted. So, never get discourage about "What's for dinner"!Blog by Tami Van Hoy
What a great feeling…a freezer full of choices! Last time I posted on the blog I was out of choices and suffering the consequences. Since then I have done something about it! Now…if I had waited till I had it all figured out, I’d still be looking at an empty freezer. Instead…I took action without a plan, but with Homemade Gourmet that is not a problem.
First action step was the grocery store. With my busy schedule, I had not been able to sit down and figure out which meals I wanted to put into my freezer…but the freezer was in a state of emergency and I needed to take action immediately. I took a quick inventory of my pantry using my handy Homemade Gourmet grocery list copied from a past cookbook. I noted on the list that I needed to restock a few basic items and canned goods and then I threw that list in my purse so I would be ready for the first time I could squeeze in a grocery trip.
On Saturday that opportunity arose and I seized the moment. After shopping from the list I went to the meat section. Without a clue of what meals I was going to stock my freezer with, I just filled my cart with what was on sale and what I know my family likes…a roast, some stew meat, 10 pounds of ground beef, chicken breasts, a couple of pork tenderloins and some pork chops. I put it all in the fridge that day so it would be ready for a quick 4m4m session on Sunday.
Sunday evening, I pulled out all of the 4m4m planners that I have collected over the last year and started making choices. Going through the planners, I pulled HG mixes and canned goods from my pantry and matched them with the meat of choice…and the result was over a dozen meals bagged in the freezer. What a difference choices make! It truly feels good to be full of them again!
What’s in your freezer?
God Bless,