Sunday, December 23, 2007

Post from Homemade Gourmet's blog

Living Out of My Freezer
By: Cindy Pirtle

What do people who don’t have 4 meals in 4 minutes meals in the freezer do at this time of year???

I have been running around like a chicken with it’s head . . . . you know what I mean. Between work and the kid’s Christmas programs and end of the semester parties, holiday parties at the church and my husband’s office, Christmas concerts, gift purchasing and wrapping and OH YEA, did I mention I have family coming in from out of town this week? EEEKKKK!
4 meals in 4 minutes . . . .TAKE ME AWAY! (I wouldn’t mind that long relaxing bath from the old commercial, but frankly at my house that just isn’t going to happen any time soon.)
In the last two weeks, we have had Burgundy Beef Tips with Egg Noodles, Southwest Chicken (and then 2 nights later, BLT roll ups), Dream Spaghetti, Quick Chicken and Chips, Roast (and the next night Minestrone with the remaining meat) and Asian Pork Tenderloin (wraps for later on).

I hope that you have had an ample amount of great tasting Homemade Gourmet meals during this busy and hectic season! Remember the true reason for the season and spend some quality time with your family.

From my family (and everyone at Homemade Gourmet) to yours, Merry Christmas and may your stocking be filled with lots of sparkles!


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